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Katherine M. Kennedy
When To Use Filter Words In Your Writing
When should you use filter words in your writing, and why?
Writing And Story Tropes That Need To Die
A trope is a narrative tool utilized by storytellers to build a narrative and convey a story.
Tropes, Cliches, And The Genres That Love Them
Most stories will use some kind of trope or tropes, there are so many of them, and at this point, they are unavoidable.
Why Is Writing So Darn Hard?
Writing shouldn't be hard. It should be easy. Have a thought; jot it down. Where lies the complexity? But it is hard. It's so hard that it m
Not Like Other Girls. Not Like Other Boys? A Rant
There is very little on the internet about Not Like Other Boys. Is that because the trope doesn't exist? Are all boys like other boys?
Not Like Other Girls. Confused and Imperfect, Writing Female Characters.
the Not Like Other Girls girl is chosen not because of who she is, but because of who she isn’t. And who she isn’t, is a feminine girl.
How To Write A Book When You Don't Have A Story Idea
I don't believe you. I don't believe that you don't have a single solitary story idea. Sorry. SKIP AHEAD: You have A Book Idea, But You...
Rick And Morty, S6E7—Writing Tropes, Retcons, And Story Lords
I love a good refusal of the call
Do We Need To Rescue the Rick and Morty Writers from an Existential Decline? S6E7
I like Rick and Morty, nay, I love Rick and Morty. I was there from the beginning defending my love of a cartoon to all and sundry. I was...
Answering Reddit Questions: How to Describe What Your Character Looks Like In First Person POV?
I'm a big Reddit fan, not the dodgy side, obviously, but the normal, helpful, lovely person side. I'm what would be considered a...
The Strange and Wonderful World of Writer Vocabulary
To be updated at my leisure as additional vocabulary occurs to me (or you). Authorial intent, MacGuffins, POVs, narrative structures,...
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