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Katherine M. Kennedy
Writing And Story Tropes That Need To Die
A trope is a narrative tool utilized by storytellers to build a narrative and convey a story.
Tropes, Cliches, And The Genres That Love Them
Most stories will use some kind of trope or tropes, there are so many of them, and at this point, they are unavoidable.
What Is Third person Limited/ Close Third?
In third person limited the POV of the story follows one character at a time. The narrator has a limited perspective on the story.
Not Like Other Girls. Confused and Imperfect, Writing Female Characters.
the Not Like Other Girls girl is chosen not because of who she is, but because of who she isn’t. And who she isn’t, is a feminine girl.
Rick And Morty, S6E7—Writing Tropes, Retcons, And Story Lords
I love a good refusal of the call
The Strange and Wonderful World of Writer Vocabulary
To be updated at my leisure as additional vocabulary occurs to me (or you). Authorial intent, MacGuffins, POVs, narrative structures,...
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